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Table of Contents

The Window Menu
Document Window
List Windows
Move Trigger
Automatically open editor windows
Ask about quitting
Automatically save when quitting
Ignore active sensing
Show pop-up help
Help file location
Movement menu shortcut keys
Back to the main Table of Contents.
Factory windows are always broken.
Somebody's always throwing bricks,
Somebody's always heaving cinders,
Playing ugly Yahoo tricks.

- Vachel Lindsay, Factory Windows


This section describes the different windows associated with a KeyMaster document. Some windows are covered more fully in the section on Editing.

The Window Menu

All windows have one common menu, the "Window" menu. It contains some window commands like "Stack", some windows you can only open via this menu like the Messages and Instruments windows, and a list of all open windows.

  • Stack
  • --------
  • Resize To Fit
  • Close
  • --------
  • All Chains
  • All Songs
  • Instruments
  • MIDI Messages
  • Elements
  • Move Trigger
  • --------
  • List of all open windows, with keyboard shortcuts

Document Window

The Document window displays the current chain, current song, and current patch. The buttons with arrows are for moving between chains, songs, and patches. See the movement section for more information about moving around.

  • |< jumps to the first item,
  • < jumps to the previous item,
  • > jumps to the next item, and
  • >| jumps to the last item.
The "Edit" buttons open the editor window for the current chain, song, or patch.

Dragging a chain, song, or patch onto the window or typing a name and hitting Enter makes that chain, song, or patch the current one. You need not type the whole name; the shortest unique beginning of the name will work. Also, you needn't worry about matching upper and lower case; all name comparisons are case-insensitive.

Dragging a KeyMaster document onto the window closes the current document (after asking about saving it) and opens the new one.


  • File
    • New File
    • Open File...
    • --------
    • Save
    • Save As...
    • Revert
  • Edit
    • Undo
    • --------
    • Cut
    • Copy
    • Paste
    • Select All
    • Clear
    • --------
    • Edit Current Patch
  • Window

List Windows

There are a few windows that are all similar. They contain lists of other objects. For example, the All Chains window contains the list of chains, and a Song window contains a list of patches.

The list windows are for:

  • The list of chains
  • The list of all songs
  • Chains
  • Songs
  • The list of all instruments
  • The list of all MIDI messages
Each of these windows has much in common. Their menus are similar. If you click the secondary mouse button, a pop-up menu appears.

Opening An Item

    To open or edit an item in a list window, you can:

    • Double-click on an item.
    • Select an item, then press Enter.
    • Select an item, then select "Open Item" from the "Item" menu.
    • Select an item, then use the secondary mouse button to open a pop-up menu. Select "Open" from that menu.

To find out how to edit an item, see the Editing section of this documentation.

Creating A New Item

To create a new item, select "New Item" from the "Item" menu. You can also select "Duplicate" from the "Edit" menu.

When you create a new Song in any Chain, it is added to the special "All Songs" chain as well.

Renaming An Item

To edit the name of a item, select "Edit Item Name" from the "Item" menu.

Dragging An Item

You can drag an item to or from this window to various places. For example, you can drag a song from one chain to another to copy it, or you can drag a patch from one song to another to copy it.

Dragging an item does not delete it from a list window. Dragging from a list window always copies the item.

You can also drag a song to the "Current Song" text field in the Document window and KeyMaster will jump to that song. The same goes for chains and patches.

Cutting/Copying/Pasting An Item

The Edit menu provides Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, and Delete menu items.

Deleting An Item

You can delete an item from a list via the "Delete" item in the Edit menu, or by pressing the DELETE or BACKSPACE keys.

Most items are really gone when you delete them from a list window. The only exception is a in a Chain window. When you delete a song from any chain except the All Songs chain, it is not gone forever; you can still see it in the All Songs window. A song is only deleted if you delete it from the All Songs window.


  • Item
    • New Item
    • Open Item...
    • Edit Item Name...
    • Close Window
  • Edit
    • Undo
    • Cut
    • Copy
    • Paste
    • Duplicate
  • Window


For a description of patches, the Patch window, and patch element editor windows, see the Patches section.


  • Patch
    • Resend
    • Open Patch Element...
    • Edit Patch Name...
    • Close
  • Edit
    • Undo
    • Cut
    • Copy
    • Paste
    • Delete
    • Entry Message...
    • Exit Message...
  • Window


From the Find window you can open or go to (make current) a chain, song, patch, instrument, or MIDI message. Select the type of object you want to find in the popup menu, type the name of the object, and click "Goto" or "Open".

"Goto" does not make sense for instruments. The "Goto" button will be disabled if you select "Instrument" from the popup menu.

When you click "Goto", that object is made the active chain, song, patch, or MIDI message. No windows are open, but the main Document window will be updated to reflect the movement. When a chain becomes active, the first song is also made active. When a song is made active, its first patch is made active.

When you click "Open", the editor window for the object you have selected is opened.

When you type a name into the Find window, remember that (a) you can type any unique name prefix, and (b) case doesn't matter.


The Elements window contains icons that represent patch elements. To add a patch element to a patch, drag one of these icons into an open Patch window.

The window toggles between horizontal, vertical, and square layouts when you click on the zoom box in the window's title bar.

Only MIDI inputs, MIDI outputs, and triggers can be dragged onto a Patch window directly. All other patch elements must be dragged between two other elements.

To make a new output for a splitter, drag a patch element to the bottom of the splitter.

Move Trigger

The Move Trigger lets you use MIDI to move from patch to patch. See Movement Triggers for a complete description of what they do.

The menu field at the top of the window contains all instruments. Only instruments that are controllers are enabled. Below this menu is a row of check boxes, one for each MIDI channel. When you select an instrument the channel check boxes are enabled for those channels that the instrument sends.

Four radio buttons let you select what happens when a program change message arrives on any of the selected MIDI channels.

  • Do nothing
  • Advance to next patch
  • Higher to next, lower to previous
  • Jump to song
See Movement Triggers for a complete description of what each one means.

Finally, two menu fields let you select which controllers will signal a move to the next or previous patch.


To open the list of all messages, select "Message" from the Window menu of any window. This window is a list window.

For information on how to edit a MIDI message, see Editing Messages.


From the Preferences window, you can change the application-wide preferences.

Open the Preferences window by selecting "Preferences" from the main menu.

To save the changes you have entered, click the "Apply" button. This does not close the Preferences window. Closing the window without clicking "Apply" leaves the preferences unchanged.

Automatically open editor windows

If selected, whenever you drag a Patch Element from the Elements window into a Patch window, the element's editor window will automatically open.

Ask about quitting

If selected, KeyMaster will bring up an alert when you try to quit, whether by selecting the Quit command in the Main Menu or by closing the document window.

Automatically save when quitting

If selected, KeyMaster will automatically save the current document when you quit, without asking you first.

Ignore active sensing

If selected, all Active Sensing bytes are ignored and are not passed through.

Show pop-up help

If selected, pop-up help will be displayed when the mouse is moved over Elements and MIDI Message Editor window icons.

Help file location

Normally, KeyMaster can find this on-line help all by itself. If it gets confused, you can tell KeyMaster where to find the help file by clicking on the "Find Help..." button. A file browser appears; find and open the "index.html" help file.

Movement menu shortcut keys

Clicking on this button brings up the movement menu shortcut key editor window.

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Contents © 1995 - 2000 by Jim Menard; All Rights Reserved.