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Moving via the Keyboard and Mouse
Movement Triggers
Programmable Goto Keys
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An object at rest cannot be stopped!

- The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight


Moving from patch to patch is what KeyMaster is all about. Patches configure your MIDI setup and modify the MIDI data. Moving between patches changes your system's configuration.

The name of the current patch is displayed in the Document window. It is the patch that is modifying MIDI data.

You can move from song to song and from chain to chain, as well. When you move to a song, the first patch in the song becomes the current patch. When you move to a chain, the first song in the chain becomes the current song (and its patch becomes the current patch).

You can move forward to the next patch or backward to the previous patch. You can also jump forward to the last patch in a song or backward to the first patch in a song. Moving forward beyond the last patch in a song moves to the first patch of the next song in the current chain, and moving backward from the first patch in a song moves to the last patch of the previous song in the current chain.

Opening a patch edit window does not make that patch the current patch.

Moving to a chain, song, or patch makes it the current or active chain, song, or patch. When a chain becomes active, the first song is also made active. When a song is made active, its first patch is made active. Nothing visible happens, except that the main Document window is updated with the names of the current chain, song, and patch.

Moving via the Keyboard and Mouse

To move from chain to chain, song to song, or patch to patch, you can
  • Use the movement menu items or their keyboard shortcuts,
  • Click on the movement buttons in the Document window,
  • Drag a chain, song, or patch into the corresponding text field in the Document window,
  • Type a chain, song, or patch name into the corresponding text field in the Document window,
  • Send one of the MIDI messages for the Movement Triggers you have defined, or
  • Send a program change from a specific MIDI instrument defined, again, in the Movement Triggers window.
To jump directly to a particular chain, song, or patch, you can
  • Open the Find window, select the type in the popup menu, enter a name (*), and click "Goto",
  • Type a name in the corresponding Document window text box,
  • Press a Programmable Goto Key, or
  • Drag a song/chain/patch into the corresponding Document window text box.
(*) When you type a name into the Find window or one of the Document window text boxes, remember that (a) you can type any unique name prefix, and (b) case doesn't matter.

Move Triggers

You can use MIDI data to move around, too. The Movement Trigger specifies two different ways to move. Both ways listen to specific MIDI channels coming from an instrument.

First, you can specify MIDI controllers that signal when to move to the next or previous patch. For example, you can tell KeyMaster to move to the next patch when it receives controller 23 from your DX-7, and to move to the next song when it receives controller 24 from MIDI channels 3 or 4 sent by your Wavestation.

Some MIDI controllers are continuous (i.e., send out all values from 0 to 127), and some are discrete (send out only 0 and 127). Move Triggers always activate when they receive a value of 127.

The second kind of movement trigger is a program change. Any program change message that is sent from the instrument you specify is used to move to the next or previous patch. There are four modes:

Advance to next patch
Move to the next patch when any program change is received.
Higher to next, lower to previous
Move to the next patch when the program change number is larger than the previous one, or move to the previous patch when it is smaller. The first program change you send always moves forward, since KeyMaster doesn't know what the previous program change number was.
Jump to song
Jump to the beginning of the nth song in the master song list, where n is the program change number.
Do nothing
Don't move as a result of any program change.
Use the Move Trigger window to specify the MIDI controllers you use to move, and the program change instrument and MIDI channel.

Programmable Goto Keys


Jump to a song and patch with a single key stroke. You can assign a patch to any of the function keys. Pressing that key makes the assigned patch the current patch.

Will have a drag-and-drop editor window. User can drag patches onto keys.

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Contents © 1995 - 2000 by Jim Menard; All Rights Reserved.