Ruby Quiz 49
Here is my solution to Ruby Quiz 49: Lisp Game. It consists of two parts: the game engine and a game description. I’ve called it “RADS” in homage to the TADS interactive fiction engine. In the quiz description, James mentioned that you could take at least two approaches: mimic the Lisp or do it the “Ruby way”. I’ve attempted to do the latter.
To run this game, download both files and execute game.rb.
Game engine
Accepts inventory or i
Accepts look or l, also accepts “look at x”
Accepts examine or x, which prints a long description
“it” represents the last-examined, taken, or dropped object. You can take it, examine it, look at it
Short direction names (n, s, e, w, u, d)
Accepts walk or go
Short direction names are also verbs so you can just type “w” to go west
Altername names for things (“whiskey bottle”, “bottle”, “whiskey”)
Decorations, which are objects that can’t be taken. Try “x wizard” or “look at couch”.
A decoration without a short_desc won’t be output as part of the room’s description. You can examine the couch, but it won’t be described separately because it’s already part of the wizard’s long description.
Game-specific verbs are defined in the game file, not in the engine
Any object with no “names” array defined in the initialization proc will have one created for it containing the short_desc
Containment (things within other things) is implemented and contents of containers like the bucket will be printed, but “put in”/”take out” is not yet implemented.
To do:
Fix the fact that you can’t examine the door in the garden
Implement “put in”/”take out”.
Write a “put x in y” verb
Understand prepositions. In addition to “splash bucket [on] wizard” and “dunk bucket [in] well”, I’d like to allow “splash wizard with bucket”.</p>
Game file
Game-specific verbs are defined here, not as part of the RADS library
The dunk, weld, and splash verbs take (but ignore) prepositions. Try “splash bucket on wizard” or “splash bucket wizard”.
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