I’ve been playing a bit with Clojure recently. Playing only: I haven’t written anything serious yet. One thing I did write, though, was the Clojure example in Geir Magnusson Jr’s Java Mongo driver.
There’s a bug somewhere, though: the sample only prints records 1 and 3 out of 3. The Java sample works correctly, as does the JRuby sample. I can’t figure out why, because the Clojure code that iterates over the records that are inserted is pretty simple. Here’s the code:
(def mongo (org.mongodb.driver.impl.Mongo.))
(def db (.getDB mongo "clojure"))
(def coll (.getCollection db "test"))
(. coll clear) ; erase all records in the collection
; insert three records
(dorun (map #(do (.insert coll {"a" (+ % 1)})) (range 0 3)))
; print the number of records in the collection.
(println "There are" (.getCount coll (org.mongodb.driver.MongoSelector.))
"records in the collection 'test'")
; one way to do a query
(loop [i (.find coll)]
(when i
(do (println (first i))
(recur (rest i)))))
; and another
(dorun (map println (.find coll)))
If you can see what’s wrong, please let me know.