While looking at a simple fractal benchmark that showed up on the programming Reddit, I noticed that there wasn’t an Erlang version. Below is one I wrote last night. Erlang fares rather well. One thing mildly surprised me: it runs slightly faster in an Erlang shell within Emacs than in both Apple’s Terminal and iTerm on Mac OS X. Within Emacs it runs in 1.09000 (runtime) 1.14100 (wall clock) seconds. In both Terminal and iTerm it runs in around 1.11000 (runtime) 1.16600 (wall clock) seconds. Perhaps screen I/O isn’t as fast in the terminal programs.Two caveats: first, these numbers were generated on my 2.33 GHz Intel MacBook Pro; I don’t know what the original benchmarks used. Also, I only ran the code a handful of times and picked a “typical” time to report. A better test would have been to run the code hundreds or thousands of times and average the values.This post also says a bit about intuition vs. measuring. I discuss some code modifications and their expected and actual effects below.Another thing to note: the author of the fractal benchmark page says that he hasn’t bothered to optimize the code for each language he tested. I don’t know if using lists:map/2 or extracting iter_value/5 and using guard clauses would disqualify this version in his opinion.

-author("Jim Menard, jimm@io.com").

-define(BAILOUT, 16).
-define(MAX_ITERATIONS, 1000).

%% Idea from http://www.timestretch.com/FractalBenchmark.html

run() ->
    lists:map(fun(Y) ->
                      lists:map(fun(X) -> plot(X, Y) end, lists:seq(-39, 39))
              lists:seq(-39, 39)),
    {_, Time1} = statistics(runtime),
    {_, Time2} = statistics(wall_clock),
    Sec1 = Time1 / 1000.0,
    Sec2 = Time2 / 1000.0,
    io:format("Erlang Elapsed ~p (runtime) ~p (wall clock) seconds~n",
              [Sec1, Sec2]).

plot(X, Y) ->
    case iterate(X/40.0, Y/40.0) of
        0 ->
        _ ->
            io:format(" ")

iterate(X, Y) ->
    CR = Y - 0.5,
    CI = X,
    iter_value(CR, CI, 0.0, 0.0, 0).

iter_value(_, _, _, _, I) when I > ?MAX_ITERATIONS ->
iter_value(_, _, ZI, ZR, I) when ZI * ZI + ZR * ZR > ?BAILOUT ->
iter_value(CR, CI, ZI, ZR, I) ->
    Temp = ZR * ZI,
    ZR2 = ZR * ZR,
    ZI2 = ZI * ZI,
    ZRnew = ZR2 - ZI2 + CR,
    ZInew = Temp + Temp + CI,
    iter_value(CR, CI, ZInew, ZRnew, I + 1). %

You might have noticed that ZI * ZI and ZR * ZR are calculated twice: once in the body of the last clause and once in the second guard clause. The guard clause has to be executed every time, which means that running the last, most frequently executed clause executes the multiplications twice. I tried pre-calculating those values and adding them as parameters, so the arg list is

iter_value(_CR, _CI, _ZI, _ZI2, _ZR, _ZR2, I)

Did it help? It did indeed. Execution time in Emacs went down to 0.890000 (runtime) 0.919000 (wall clock) seconds. Here are the modified versions of iterate and iter_value:

iterate(X, Y) ->
    CR = Y - 0.5,
    CI = X,
    iter_value(CR, CI, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0).

iter_value(_, _, _, _, _, _, I) when I > ?MAX_ITERATIONS ->
iter_value(_, _, _, ZI2, _, ZR2, I) when ZI2 + ZR2 > ?BAILOUT ->
iter_value(CR, CI, ZI, ZI2, ZR, ZR2, I) ->
    Temp = ZR * ZI,
    ZRnew = ZR2 - ZI2 + CR,
    ZInew = Temp + Temp + CI,
    iter_value(CR, CI, ZInew, ZInew * ZInew, ZRnew, ZRnew * ZRnew, I + 1).

One final thing I tried was commenting out the calls to io:format. In my experience, screen I/O usually slows things down quite a bit. (In the case statement in plot/2, I had to replace them with void statements instead of simply commenting them out.) The result: execution time went down to 0.830000 (runtime) 0.839000 (wall clock) seconds within Emacs. In iTerm, execution time was only slightly slower than that. So the time decreased, but not nearly as much as it did when I removed the extra multiplications. I’m surprised. Is multiplication that expensive in Erlang, or is I/O well optimized, or was my instinct wrong? Come to think of it, io:format is only called once per coordinate; the multiplications happen thousands of times for each.A distributed version of this algorithm is certainly possible (say, one process for every X,Y coordinate). My gut tells me that it would run slower because the calculation for an individual coordinate is relatively small and the message passing overhead and gathering and coordination of the results would outweigh the benefits. My intuition was wrong about the effects of I/O, though. I’d have to try it to make sure. Additions: In the comments, Ulf Wiger suggested that I add is_float guards for all the function parameters that are floats. Doing this to iter_value/7 reduced execution time by almost half to 0.450000 (runtime) 0.455000 (wall clock) seconds, a huge savings. (Does anybody know why adding these guard clauses speeds up execution? I would imaging that extra checking would slow it down.) Here’s the new code for iter_value/7:

iter_value(_CR, _, _ZI, _ZI2, _ZR, _ZR2, I)
  is_float(_CR), is_float(_ZI), is_float(_ZI2), is_float(_ZR), is_float(_ZR2) ->
iter_value(_CR, _, _ZI, _ZI2, _ZR, _ZR2, I)
  when _ZI2 + _ZR2 > ?BAILOUT,
  is_float(_CR), is_float(_ZI), is_float(_ZI2), is_float(_ZR), is_float(_ZR2) ->
iter_value(CR, CI, ZI, ZI2, ZR, ZR2, I)
  is_float(CR), is_float(ZI), is_float(ZI2), is_float(ZR), is_float(ZR2) ->
    Temp = ZR * ZI,
    ZRnew = ZR2 - ZI2 + CR,
    ZInew = Temp + Temp + CI,
    iter_value(CR, CI, ZInew, ZInew * ZInew, ZRnew, ZRnew * ZRnew, I + 1).

Ulf and others also suggested that I avoid printing each character separately. Doing so did not seem to change execution time at all. Here’s what I did:

% changed the inner map call to plot
run() ->
    % ...
    Seq = lists:seq(-39, 39),
    lists:map(fun(Y) ->
                      CharList = lists:map(fun(X) -> plot(X, Y) end, Seq),
                      io:format("~s~n", [CharList])
    % ...

% changed plot to return single-character strings
plot(X, Y) ->
    case iterate(X/40.0, Y/40.0) of
        0 ->
        _ ->
            " "
    end. %

I also tried commenting out the io:format/2 call above. Execution time went up about 1/100 of a second.